Chapter Ten Jade looked at herself in the mirror. She was depressed, sad, lonely, and tired. She looked great. She put on her dress from the Homecoming Dance and pinned her hair atop her head. Martin was on his way, he'd be there in ten minutes. She should have been glowing with anticipation, she ought to have felt as wonderful and she looked, but Jade couldn't manage even a smile. Maria entered the room, clad in a simple black skirt and a ruffled white silk blouse. "Still can't be happy?" "No." "I don't know why you and Martin don't just drop the party and take a night out. There's only a going to be a bunch of stuffy old people there." Jade rolled her eyes. They heard the doorbell and Maria hurried to answer it. Her brother had come up to escort her to the party and Cortez was sure to look great. Jade hated to admit that as a child she had thought that he was about as close to perfection as a man could get; then she'd found about the implications of incest and forgotten any sick ideas she may have had. Jade dragged herself downstairs. Nina was wearing a white gauze outfit with palazzo pants. Then there was her date. Not Mark, but the ugly guy, an acne-stricken teen, whose name she found to be Carl Wordsworth. He was about seventeen and looked like the poster boy Geeks of America, minus the pocket protector. He wore a brown tux with a pink shirt underneath. Nina acted excited to be with him, but it was obvious to Jade that Nina's attention was on Mark and Carl's attention was elsewhere. Mark and his date, Naomi, were dressed in matching tuxedos, hers with a long skirt, his with trousers. Naomi was nothing like Jade had pictured her. She was almost as tall as Nina, which was to say that she towered several inches above Jade, with a body like Gabrielle Reece. Her looks, however, left much to be desire. She had cropped black hair and a pointed nose. Her beady eyes were far too close to each other, and her mouth was a perma-frown. That frown was accompanied by crooked teeth that managed to retain an incredibly bright white color. Martin arrived just after Cortez, with Marsha and Mae in tow. He was wearing a tux exactly like Mark's. They looked more alike then ever as their hair was slicked back causing it to be nearly black. Mae's dress was a riot. It was a tight blue prostitute dressed about two sizes too small for her slightly wide body. Of course, with a body like hers, Jade was surprised to feel how strong she was when they shook hands. Marsha had on a hideous sequined dress depicting a rain-forest with a brightly colored bird in the center of the front. Lola wore a rose colored pants suit with a gray shell underneath; she looked far younger than her sixty plus years. Jade felt self-conscious in her cream colored satin dress. It was short, very short, and flared, which made it good for dancing, or so Bryan had told her. Within moments the group separated into cars and headed toward the Weston Civic Center. Jade climbed into Martin's black Mustang Convertible. He admitted that it belonged to Marsha's husband. "You really do look sensational,"he said, resting his hand on her knee. "Thanks,"Jade said. She was glad it was dark, as she felt herself blushing as his hand crept North. Suddenly she sneezed. He removed his hand instantly, staring straight ahead. "No. I didn't mean...I mean, I honestly had to sneeze,"she apologized, hoping she hadn't put him off. "That's okay,"he pulled into the parking lot. The Gala Room had been ornately decorated and there was already over one hundred of Weston's elite in attendance. Jade was surprised; when she'd heard that this was a dinner party she envisioned twenty people. "Let's find our table." They'd barely gotten twenty paces through the swarm of overdressed bodies when they were pounced upon by photographers. Martin brushed them away with the expertise of someone who'd grown up with mosquitoes for play mates. Only seconds later they were confronted by a young woman. "Martin?" "Bets?" "Yeah." "Jade, this is Betsy, she and I went to school in North River together." "Hi,"Jade said. "So Mart, what are you doing with this one? Is she the bimbo of the week? Flavor of the month? Or are you planning to stick with this one until you knock her up?" "Excuse me?" "Honey,"she said in a tone that indicated confidentiality,"You watch yourself with this one. He's a cheater and a no-good, dirty-" She stopped abruptly and gave Jade a venomous look filled with utter shock. It probably had something to do with the punch she'd received courtesy of Jade's practiced right jab. "You don't need to defend me,"he muttered as they walked away. "Sure I did. She was lying through her teeth, you dumped her one, didn't you?" "Very perceptive." They arrived at their table and ate dinner while people bustled about congratulating Marsha. Mae disappeared, possibly at the same time Carl, Nina and Mark vanished. A rich man from North River had taken Nina's seat next to Lola and they were deeply in conversation, oblivious to everyone else. Lola wasn't exactly a gold-digger, but Jade had to admit she wasn't lacking in the avarice department. Nina sat on Lola's left, with Marsha, Carl, Mark, and Mae on her left. To Lola's right was Jade, Martin, Maria, and Cortez. The dinner was almost over and half the guest had discreetly exited when a shot rang out. Jade felt a warm, sticky fluid spatter her face. Beside her, Lola screeched. The right side was covered in blood. Jade jumped to her feet and begged someone to call 911. Chapter Eleven Joan Treece stood at the sight of the shooting of Delores Santez; the Gala Room in the Weston Civic Center. She was getting no where. No one had seen anything, and no one could verify where the bullet had come from, though most said above the stage. "What do you have?" Dorothy asked coming up behind Joan. "One shot, fired around ten thirty. One female victim, critical in the hospital. The bullet hit the floor behind the woman." "Suspects?" "None, everyone. There were people moving around, dancing, and hardly anyone that signed in but not out is completely accounted for." Dorothy sighed, staring at the bullet hole in the wall."That's all?" Joan nodded. "Then what are you planning for this one?" "Have them,"she pointed at Judy Fooks and Mike Ward,"Hurry up with whatever they're doing then you can tell them to get me a list of everyone anyone saw here tonight. Absolutely anyone. Then we'll just have to talk to Delores Santez and find out who wanted her dead." "You don't think-" "No. The gunman was probably aiming for Marsha. Too bad he missed." "So, we're screwed if we do, and the same if we don't?" "Basically." "Great,"Dorothy pulled out a cigarette and lit up. She blew a lungful of smoke at the wall, thoughtfully. Joan found herself wishing she hadn't spent the last four years using all the will-power she possessed to stop the habit. "I say we invent a criminal, tell the press he was seen jumping off the Weston-Riley Bridge. It's only a few blocks away, he could have made it in plenty of time. Then-" "Hey!"Officer Charles Dudley, better known as Chip, jogged over to them. "Chip?" "We've caught the perp." "What?" "They've caught the guy. He was unconscious outside, in the back alley. He's got a gun in his pocket and he confessed." "Now maybe I can get some sleep Joanie." "No." "No what? I can't go to bed?" "He didn't do it." "C'mon Jo. We've evidently got what we need. I am as sick as you are of Jade Mackenna and her accident prone family." "He's been blackmailed, or bought off. Hell, maybe he just wants a warm bed and a regular meal, but he did not pull the trigger." "I've got a deal for you,"she waved Chip away, but he hovered nearby,"What if, I...make the records show that he owns a green van fitting the description of the one that you say plowed in Mackenna's Mercedes? We can make up a motive, he's a right-wing psycho who thinks money is evil! I can get some witnesses and we'll just pin it on him. Come on, Jo, let's just make this clean and easy. All of us will rest easier, especially you and that Mackenna girl." "You can't be serious." "Completely. In the past two weeks that girl's mother, father, and brother have died. Her aunt was shot at a dinner party, the bullet was only inches from hitting her in the face! I don't care what you or the girl say, we all need to put this behind us and get on with our lives!" "She knows this isn't right. Jade doesn't even think that her mother committed suicide!" "No teenage girl would!" "But she's a smart girl, she'll know it wasn't that bum you've arrested! I'll tell her flat-out!" "What do you want me to do Joan? I surely don't care one way or another!" "Let me seal this room." "It's already going to be, normal procedure." "I mean no one, not even a police officer is to enter without my permission." Dorothy beckoned Chip, told him his orders, and he left to begin clearing out the room. "I'm gonna get fired if you screw up Jo, but I'm also going to trust you, because I know what you can do. But, we can only hold him so long and if you cause up to loose this confession and can't come up with a better or more legit one, you're out on your flabby ass!" "My ass isn't flabby, is it?" Dorothy glared, not appreciating Joan's humor. "Okay, I know. My career is on the line." "Yeah, this is your last chance Jo." "When have I had any others?" "Don't get cute." "I'm not stupid. I wouldn't risk my life on this if I didn't seriously think that I could solve it. I've never blown it before and I don't plan to start now." "One never does." "Yeah." Joan and Dorothy fell silent despite the chaos reigning around them. "Joan, just hurry up and solve this thing so we can be friends again." "You've got nothing to worry about." "You do,"Dorothy stubbed her cigarette in an expensive crystal ashtray. She shoved her hands deep into her pocket, searching out her keys. She bent her head, picking out her car key,"Didn't your little sister die a couple days ago? You ought to be with your family, not here." "They don't want me around right now." "Gee, I wonder why?" Dorothy snorted. She stalked away and burst through the doors. Joan caught a glimpse of the popping flashbulb and media circus performing outside the Gala Room. She sighed, she knew she was screwed. Joan Treece awoke and stretched in her lumpy bed. She's slept restlessly, dreaming about blood bathtubs and fried body parts raining on main street. Unfortunately the dreams weren't as accurate as they usually were. She couldn't tell if the lady was old, fat, young, skinny, or how tall she was. The guys were large, but that could have made the fat, tall, or just really buff. The same went for the black hairdo woman in the bathroom with Kate. Joan loved mornings as a rule, but Saturday mornings were her favorites, mostly because she was rarely up before noon. Other than mornings, Joan loved Friday because she didn't have to be able to wake up early on Saturday, Friday was her day to relax. Unfortunately today was Friday, but a dreary, bloodstained Thursday evening had ruined her Friday. She was instantly reminded of all the things that depended on what she did today: her job, her best-friendship with Dorothy, the lives of anyone involved with the cursed Jade Mackenna, and maybe most importantly, her own credibility. She showered quickly, not giving herself time to ponder anything, and was out of her apartment in less than twenty minutes. She arrived on the scene before six a.m. and found four officers patrolling the premises. At least they'd done that properly. Marsha Dunkirk was a separate case by herself. She strolled into town with a husband that rarely left their house. As a matter of fact, Joan thought, she'd moved in recently, within the past six months, but was already favorite in the upcoming election. Just after her arrival in Weston, Marsha had called upon Joan specifically to investigate some threatening letters that were arriving in her mail. Nothing Joan did was right in Marsha's opinion and after a week of being harassed, Joan had caught the kids behind the scheme only to have Marsha complain. Then she had the nerve to tell Joan that she would never work in this town again if Marsha Dunkirk was elected mayor. Joan had since then become an anonymous donator to all of the campaigns against Marsha. Chip had been there all evening. He held the door open for her and accompanied her inside where Judy Fooks and Mike Ward were playing rummy at one of the tables. The room seemed much larger without ninety-seven upset people milling around. "Hey Joan," "Need any help?" Don Henniger asked standing in the doorway leading to the bathrooms; he struggled with his zipper. "Go home Don, take Judy and Mike with you." "Right, as if you mean that." Judy Fooks sauntered over, far too classy to be a cop. "Hey there Joan, Don ordered in doughnuts. Want one? Mike's going to make a fresh pot of coffee." Joan shook her head and glanced at Don,"Man, you ought to cut down on the doughnuts Don. You're getting horribly fat." Don grinned and looked up as his zipper finally closed. He was incredibly skinny, maybe one hundred and twenty pounds. He looked especially emaciated when he stood to his full height of six feet seven inches. Judy reach up and stroked Don's nose,"Gain some muscle on that body and maybe I consent to your buying me dinner." "You're just desperate and horny." "True as that is, I think-"she began, stopping short as she noticed Joan kneeling by the wall staring at the bullet hole. "What?"Chip asked, peering over her shoulder. "Nothing." Joan mumbled, getting up. She looked down at the wall for a few more long seconds, the hastily turned away. "Tell that little guy that he cannot use this room for awhile longer." "Sure,"Judy said, sitting back down at the table to resume her card game with Mike. "Hey Joan, are you all right? I mean, I heard your sister died and everything..."Mike trailed off. "Yeah," Joan said. Sweet Mike, asking about her home life. He really must care, she thought, because normally no one asks about my life. "She did. Thanks for asking Mike." "I've got to go, be sure to talk to the owner, okay?" "Right." A short, frail little man burst in and identified himself as the administrator. "Which of you are in charge of this investigation." Joan stepped forward,"Can I help you?" "Yes. When will I have this room back? The repairmen are waiting and the charge by the hour!" "You can't. Send them home because the investigation is on-going." "What? Do you mean that I cannot use this room?" Joan nodded. "I must use this room! There is nothing else to say. I have to have usage of this room immediately." Joan ignored him and strode from the room, putting on the sunglasses Julia had affectionately christened her Terminator glasses. The little man's legs pumped hard to keep up with Joan's long stride. "Mr. Jones, you can't use the room until I give the order. Deal with it." "But I need that room, most of my profit comes from the renting of that room!" "Sorry, but until I am finished investigation, the room doesn't exist!" "What about the people who've already paid for the room? I have a huge Psychiatrist Convention tomorrow! No other room can hold those three hundred shrinks!" "Move one of your break-away walls! Make the Cooper and the Erie rooms into the one room. Don't argue, I know it can be done, you did if for my 21st birthday." "They can't afford two rooms on such short notice!" "I'll pay the difference. Now leave me alone because the sooner I get tow work the sooner you get your room back." Chapter Twelve "Let's go,"Jade said, grabbing her keys and coat from the hall closet. Maria was waiting in the car and Nina was taking too long to gather her things. "Okay,"Nina said, going ahead of Jade out to the car. Jade started the car and sped to Weston Memorial where Delores Santez was recovering. The bullet had gone through, leaving a nice, clean wound. It missed all bones and would have been fairly routine, except for the fact that Weston's EMT's were extraordinarily slow and by the time they'd arrived Delores, who had a slow clotting time, had lost more blood than Jade had seen in her entire life. "I can't believe someone shot her,"Maria said, wiping tears from her eyes. She blamed herself, reasoning that if she hadn't called Lola over to stay with Jade, then Lola wouldn't have been shot. "The police say the gunman was aiming for Marsha,"Nina commented from the back seat. "She didn't even notice anything was wrong until I called for someone to get an ambulance. She was more concerned about the two drops of blood that hit her dress than the fact that those were only two of the millions the should have spurted all over her. Why would someone shoot at someone if they're bound to miss?" There was silence in the car until they reached the hospital. Jade led the procession to Lola's room. Jade was surprised they were allowed to see her since she'd been in ICU since she'd been admitted. Jade and Nina asked if they were allowed in together. The nurse on duty, Nurse Dallen, said they could go in two at a time. Maria went in by herself. When she emerged ten minutes later she was crying even harder and refused to speak. She sat down on an overstuffed vinyl couch in the hall and allowed Jade and Nina to go in. Jade was shocked to see her aunt in such condition. Even at sixty years, Delores kept as active as she ever had been, which was to say, always on the go. She was always perfectly groomed and her naturally dark skin was rosy whether she was happy or not. Now, though, she lay nearly lifeless in a dull, colorless room. There were all sorts machines hooked up to, tubes leading from her nose and an IV in her arm, and patches stuck to various parts of her body. It wasn't her long black hair, streaked with stately gray, hanging limply on the pillow, unwashed, that scared Jade the most. Nor was it the dried blood still clinging to the ends of her hair, or even the bandages around most of the right side of her body. What scared Jade the most was the color of her skin. Lola was pale, it was hard to tell that she had ever been anything other than pasty white. The faint blush she'd always possessed was missing, and the expression on her face was vacant. Her lips formed a limp line, neither a smile nor a frown. Her eyes hung partly open, as if she was trying to maintain consciousness. "Lola?"Jade smiled, despite her tears,"How are you feeling?" "I feel better, much. I tired...though." Lola's eyes fluttered. Jade stared at the bandages around Delores' shoulder and chest. She looked old and frail laying there in her thin gray hospital gown. "Nina's here. She brought you a gift, but the Nurse wouldn't let her bring it in, because you only got out of ICU a little while ago." "Food?" Nina stepped forward, a strange look on her face,"Maria told me how much you like berries, so I brought blueberry muffins and cranberry juice." "Thank you...Nina." "I'm going to distract the Nurse because visiting hours technically ended ten minutes ago,"Nina said, opening the door,"Get well Delores, I mean, Lola." She closed the door tightly behind herself. "She's right Lola, I have to go. Bu we'll be back tomorrow, bright and early. Be prepared for us, okay?" Delores smiled weakly, but didn't respond. Jade kissed her aunt on the cheek. She shut the door as quietly as she could and turned to glance down the hall. "Jade!" Nina screamed. Jade whirled around to see a door slamming only feet away. She leapt toward the door and flung it open. She heard a shot and instinctively hit the floor. Another bullet hit the floor only inches form her head sending shards of tile and dust into the air. A piece of jagged tile sliced into the back of her arm and the dust she inhaled made it impossible to draw a breath. The person laughed, kicked rubble at her and ran off, pulling Nina along, fighting lamely. Jade tried to get to her feet but the world began to spin and she dropped to her knees, defeated. At first the spinning was lazy, but disorienting, then it spun faster and faster until it skipped and Jade fell forward, knocking her head on the floor. Then she passed out.